Listings by Adults Price

INFORMATION: This section provides a price listing without a direct map search. The listings are presented in ascending order based on the adult admission prices for each park, avoiding any sorting complication

Price - Small Children: 0,00 €
Price - Children: 7,50 €
Price - Adults: 10,50 €
Parc Opening Year: 1989
The Butterfly Garden is the ideal place for lovers of nature and its beauties. Located in the wine town of Grevenmacher, you can take a walk in our tropical garden of more than 600 sq. m. and admire the hundreds of exotic butterflies. With a constant temperature of 28° Celsius and a humidity rate of 70 to 80%, the tropical garden is a paradise-like oasis on the shores of the Moselle for butterflies from the tropics. Discover what makes a journey to this magical place one of the best things to do in Luxembourg for families. Thanks to the tropical [...]
56 route de Trèves, Grevenmacher, Luxembourg 6793
Phone: +352 758539
Price - Small Children: 0,00 €
Price - Children: 9,00 €
Price - Adults: 14,00 €
Price - Seniors: 12,00 €
Parc Opening Year: 1956
Parc Plan: Plan
The Parc Merveilleux is an amusement park just east of Bettembourg in the south of Luxembourg. Designed above all for children, the park has a wide range of attractions including exotic birds, animals in their natural habitats, a pony ranch, a miniature railway, children's self-drive cars, adventure playgrounds, scenes from fairy tales, a restaurant and a cafeteria. The park is open every day from Easter to early October.   Der Park wurde am 17. Juli 1956 eröffnet. Er hat eine Fläche von etwa 25 Hektar und ist jährlich von Frühjahr bis Herbst geöffnet. Der Tierpark umfasst rund 200 Arten mit etwa [...]
route de Mondorf, Bettembourg, Luxembourg 3260
Price - Small Children: 0,00 €
Price - Children: 11,50 €
Price - Adults: 14,50 €
Parc Opening Year: 2015
Parc Plan: Plan
Ready to travel back in time? The tour through the Dinosaur Park spans a period of 620 million years and begins in the Devonian era, when the first living creatures conquered the mainland. The focus is, of course, on the stars of prehistory, the dinosaurs from the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods: dangerous predators like Allosaurus and T-Rex or peaceful herbivores like Stegosaurus and Iguanodon, minor celebrities like Archaeopteryx or giants like Seismosaurus. More than 170 lifelike, life-size replicas of animals bring Earth's history to life. In the PaleoLab, the fossil preparation workshop, visitors can watch original dinosaur bones, mammoth [...]
Ferschweilerstraße 50, Ernzen, Germany 54668
Price - Small Children: 0,00 €
Price - Children: 18,00 €
Price - Adults: 21,00 €
Price - Seniors: 19,00 €
Parc Opening Year: 1983
Parc Plan: Plan 2023
Dennlys Parc is a theme park in Dennebrœucq, Pas-de-Calais. The park's mascot is Denno the tortoise. In 1983, a family from a carnival background, Monsieur and Mme Gérard Crunelle, found by chance that the Old Watermill was for sale. After years of work, conceptualizing and creating the settings, the Old Watermill became Dennlys Park. Christian Crunelle, son of Gérard and manager since 1997, strives to preserve the family festival atmosphere.   Dennlys Parc est un parc d'attractions situé à Dennebrœucq, dans le Pas-de-Calais. Leur mascotte est une tortue du nom de Denno. À l'origine, le bâtiment de briques rouge abrite une scierie de [...]
11 rue du Moulin de la Tour, Dennebroeucq, France 62560
Price - Small Children: 0,00 €
Price - Children: 17,00 €
Price - Adults: 23,00 €
Price - Seniors: 18,00 €
Price - Family: 62,00 €
Parc Opening Year: 2008
Parc Plan: Plan
21 realistic prehistoric worlds on 10.000 m2 • 9 true-to-life robotic dinosaurs, up to 12 m in height and 20 m in length • One-of-a-kind dinosaur show • Animated shows in 3D & 4D • Restaurant and more… Gondwana – Das Praehistorium (Eigenschreibweise: GONDWANA) ist ein Naturkundemuseum mit Thema Urzeit und Evolutionsgeschichte, der am 14. Dezember 2008 auf dem Gelände der ehemaligen Grube Reden in Schiffweiler (Saarland) eröffnet wurde. Betreiber des Museums (Eigenbezeichnung: naturhistorisches Erlebnis-Museum) ist Gondwana Praehistorium e. K., der Geschäftsinhaber ist Matthias Michael Kuhl.
Bildstockstraße, Schiffweiler, Germany 66578
Price - Small Children: 0,00 €
Price - Children: 18,00 €
Price - Adults: 24,50 €
Parc Opening Year: 1997
Parc Plan: Plan 2023
The Cité de l'espace (French for Space City) is a scientific discovery centre in France focused on spaceflight. It was opened in June 1997, and is located on the eastern outskirts of Toulouse. It was carried out on the initiative of the Town Hall of Toulouse with the participation of numerous partners such as the Regional Council of Midi-Pyrénées, the Ministries of Equipment, Transport, Defence, National Education, Research and Technology, the National Center for Space Studies (CNES), Météo-France, EADS, Astrium, among others. As of 2012, there had been more than four million visitors.   Die Cité de l’espace, auf deutsch etwa [...]
Av. Jean Gonord, Toulouse, France 31500
Price - Small Children: 0,00 €
Price - Children: 22,50 €
Price - Adults: 24,50 €
Price - Seniors: 22,50 €
Parc Opening Year: 1976
Parc Plan: Plan 2023
Erse Park is a recreational park and entertainment for the whole family. The park has more than 40 attractions, including rafting, park trains, rides for small and large, mini golf course, long slides, dinosaur park, dry pool with colorful balls for the kids. We can find a lot of funny creatures, dragons and characters here. The area consists of landscaped grounds with lots of flowers and trees, in whose shade you can arrange a joint family picnic.   Der Erse-Park ist ein Freizeitpark in Uetze, im Dreieck Hannover–Braunschweig–Celle. Er liegt unmittelbar an der B 188. Der Park ist als Natur- und Gartenpark angelegt, [...]
Abbeile 2, Uetze, Germany 31311
Price - Small Children: 9,50 €
Price - Children: 25,00 €
Price - Adults: 25,00 €
Price - Seniors: 21,00 €
Parc Opening Year: 1987
Aqualibi is a fantastic water theme park near Wavre, in Wallonia. Water at 29°C, thrilling attractions inspired by tropical places, fun slides, a wave pool and a bubbly time in a jacuzzi. It's the perfect day out with friends and family! Located a few kilometres from Brussels, not far from the Walibi amusement park, Aqualibi is the most famous aquatic attraction in Belgium. Aqualibi can easily be reached by train or car.   Aqualibi est un parc aquatique belge situé à Wavre dans la province du Brabant wallon adjacent au parc d'attractions Walibi Belgium et intégré à ce dernier. Walibi Belgium a toujours [...]
Boulevard de l'Europe 100, Wavre, Belgium 1300
Price - Small Children: 0,00 €
Price - Children: 22,50 €
Price - Adults: 25,50 €
Price - Seniors: 23,50 €
Parc Opening Year: 1994
Parc Plan: Plan
Archeon is an archeological open air and living museum in Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands that opened in 1994. In Alphen an ancient Roman military fortress has been established around 40, the settlement was given the Latin name Albaniana.   Archeon ist ein „archäologischer Themenpark“ in Alphen aan den Rijn im Westen der Niederlande. Der Park im Süden der Gemeinde wird privatwirtschaftlich betrieben. Im Park geht es um drei Epochen: die Urzeit, die Römerzeit (in den Niederlanden) und das Mittelalter. Laiendarsteller in Kostüm erklären den Besuchern das Leben in der Vergangenheit. Vor allem im Sommer finden im Park historische reenactments statt. Das [...]
Archeonlaan 1, Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands 2408 ZB
Price - Small Children: 0,00 €
Price - Children: 23,00 €
Price - Adults: 27,00 €
Price - Seniors: 19,50 €
Parc Opening Year: 1966
Parc Plan: Plan 2023
Fraispertuis City is a theme park in Jeanménil, France. It opened in 1966. Its roller coaster Timber Drop, created by S&S Power, was the steepest in the world when it opened on July 2, 2011, but it lost the record with the opening on July 16, 2011, of Takabisha at Fuji-Q Highland in Japan.   Fraispertuis City ist ein französischer Freizeitpark, der sich auf das Themengebiet Wilder Westen und Piraten spezialisiert hat. Der 1966 eröffnete Park liegt in der Nähe der Gemeinde Jeanménil, 100 km von Strasbourg und 33 km von Epinal entfernt. Die wichtigsten Attraktionen des Parks sind die Drehkarusselle Far West, [...]
50 rue de la Colline des Eaux, Jeanmenil, France 88700