The Amsterdam Dungeon

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The Amsterdam Dungeon, in the city of Amsterdam, Netherlands, follows a similar format to the London Dungeon, York Dungeon, Berlin Dungeon and Hamburg Dungeon which are owned and operated by UK-based Merlin Entertainments and attempts to show history through an interactive adventure. Live actors, a ride, shows and special effects simulate historical dark and bleak times, it was first opened in September 2005.


The Amsterdam Dungeon (auch: Amsterdam Dungeon) in Amsterdam (Provinz Nordholland) ist eine Kombination aus Museum, Theater und Attraktion. Es informiert über tatsächlich vorgefallene Ereignisse aus der Geschichte Amsterdams. Die Vorstellungen finden in elf Räumen statt und die Besucher werden von zirka sieben Schauspielern begleitet. Weitere Dungeons befinden sich in Blackpool (im Blackpool Tower), Edinburgh, Hamburg (Hamburg Dungeon), Berlin, London (London Dungeon) und York.


Annoncé comme étant un lieu “redonnant vie à 500 années sombres de l’histoire néerlandaise”, l’Amsterdam Dungeon est un spectacle d’horreur. En traversant le donjon à pied, vous découvrez de courtes performances accompagnées d’effets sonores, d’odeurs et de jeux de lumière.

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Children → 5 years < 16 years
Adults → > 16 years

As always please check the official site for the actual prices and maybe offers.

The Dungeon is only recommended at an age of 10 and above.

The family tickets also depends on the age of the visitor and the quantity so we didn't write the price on our site. Please check the Dungeon site for these information.

Pay attention that online tickets, especially the family tickets, are much cheaper directly on the site than on place.

Price Year: 2024
Children: 22,50 €
Adults: 26,50 €
Opening Year: 2005
Rokin 78, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 1012 KW